Based on traditions of different Christian sects, there are at least 5 sites in Jerusalem believed to be 'the Prison of Christ' where Jesus was held before the trial, viz. Greek Orthodox (2); Armenian Orthodox (2) and Roman Catholics (1). The Greek Orthodox prisons are: 1) inside the Church of Holy Sepulchre and 2) between the 2nd and 3rd stations of Via Dolorosa. The Catholic Prison of Christ is in the Church of 'St. Peter in Gallicantu', Mount Zion, and they identify the site as the 'House of Caiaphas'. The Armenians show two sites where they believe Christ was imprisoned before the crucifixion. According to their traditions, these are part of the houses of 1) Caiaphas (site 44.3-Convent of St. Saviour, Mount Zion) and 2) Annas (site 41-Monastery of Holy Archangels or Convent of Sacred Olive Tree). Unfortunately, none of the Armenian sites are open to the public.
Prison of Christ in Via Dolorosa (Greek Orthodox )
Prison of Christ in Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu (Roman Catholic)
Prison of Christ in the Church of Holy Sepulchre (Greek Orthodox )
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