Saturday, October 24, 2009

TEL TZORA or BIBLICAL ZORAH-Identified as Samson’s tomb at least since the Middle Ages.

In Bible, Zorah is mentioned eight times (Joshua 19:41; Judges 13:2, 25; 16:31; 18:2, 8, 11 and II Chronicles 11:10). Zorah is where the Biblical warrior judge, Samson was born (Judges 13:2) and buried (Judges 16:31). The modern Israeli settlement of Kibbutz Tzora was established in 1948 near the ruins of ancient Zorah.

1P: See the large 'blue eye' on a rock? Located on the way to the tombs of Samson and Manoach, it is called 'the Seed of Hope' which reflects the color of the tombs high above.

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