Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jezreel Valley, Nain and Afula from Mount Precipice, Nazareth.

Jezreel Valley: This large fertile valley is known as the breadbasket of Israel. The valley is also known as the "Plain of Esdraelon". Jezreel Valley has been the venue of many Biblical events. The Biblical, sites of Jezreel, Meggido, Mount Tabor, Mount Gilboa and Armageddon; and personalities Deborah, Gideon and Saul, are a few associated with this valley. You can see the valley clearly in the photograph below.

Nein: This small Israeli-Arab town located at the base of the Hill of Moreh (Givat HaMoreh), 14 km from Nazareth is identified as the Biblical village of Nain-where according to New Testament Jesus raised the only son of a widow from the dead (Luke 7:11-17). Nain is also near Shunem, where Elisha raised the son of a woman who had given him hospitality (II Kings 4:8-37). It is a bit tricky to identify Nain/Nein in the photograph below. If you look at the mountains (Givat HaMoreh or Hill of Moreh) near horizon, you can visualize three small peaks. Counting from left to right, see the third peak (after the one with an antenna), just at the base of this peak is the small settlement of Nain.

Afula: Today, Afula is the largest city and capital 0f Jezreel Valley. An ancient city from 4000 BC is sometimes identified as the Biblical town of Ophrah-the hometown of Gideon (Judges 6:11; 8:27,32). Ruins of the Canaanite and Israelite periods have been excavated in Afula. In the photograph, you can see a relatively large town at extreme right corner of horizon. This is Afula.

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